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Carroll, OH 43112

Maintaining Your Cool: Why HVAC Maintenance Matters in Summer

Hey, summer soldiers! As we dive into the sizzle and pop of summer, let's talk about something cool - literally. Yeah, we're talking about your HVAC system!

Why Care About HVAC in Summer?

C'mon, do I even have to ask?

The Comfort Factor

No A/C? That's like a summer with no ice cream!

Cost Savings

Take care of your HVAC, and it won't burn a hole in your wallet.

What Goes into HVAC Maintenance?

It's not rocket science, guys.

Filter Changes

Clean filters make for happy lungs.


Even your A/C needs a summer check-up.

Kerley Heating and Cooling to the Rescue!

We're your summer superheroes.

HVAC Installation

Need a new system? We gotcha!

HVAC Repair

No sweat, we'll fix it in a jiffy!

HVAC Service

Regular tune-ups? Count us in!

Steps for Summer-Ready HVAC

Do these and chill.

Common Myths Debunked!

Don't believe everything you hear!

Myth: Lower Temps Cool Faster

Nope, it doesn't work that way!

Myth: Fans Cool Rooms

Fans cool people, not rooms. Remember that!

Your Questions Answered

FAQs? Lay 'em on me!

How often should I call for service?

Once a year is usually good.

What's the best thermostat setting?

78 degrees is the sweet spot.

Do I need a new system?

If it's older than your kid sis, maybe.

Alright, champs, now you know why you gotta keep that HVAC in tip-top shape. Especially in the summer, it's your ticket to chill city. So, next time you're sweating bullets, remember that a well-maintained HVAC system is your best bud. Give Kerley Heating and Cooling a ring, and let's make this summer a breeze!

Kerley Heating and Cooling
3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd, Rock City, IL 61070, United States
(815) 979-5845

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3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd, 
Rock City, IL 61070

Monday - Friday: 7am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-3pm
Sunday: By appointment
Our projects spell success because success is a project that is always under construction. We build and deliver your vision exactly every time!




Air Quality

Ventilation system


3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd,
Rock City, IL 61070



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