Elevate Your Summer Comfort: Unveiling the Ideal Temperature Range for Home AC Systems By Kerley Heating and Cooling

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Discovering the Optimal Temperature Range for Your Home's Comfort: A Guide to Setting the Perfect Temperature for Your AC System with Kerley Heating and Cooling


Summer is a time to enjoy the warm weather and spend time outdoors. But when you come back home, you want to be comfortable and cool. The AC system in your home is essential to providing that comfort, and to maximize that comfort, it’s important to know the optimal temperature range for your home. At Kerley Heating and Cooling, we understand that every home is unique, and we offer personalized solutions to help you achieve the best temperature range for your home. To set the perfect temperature for your AC system, start by considering the layout of your home. Take note of the rooms that receive the most sunlight and which areas are shaded. Generally, a temperature range of 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for most homes, but you may need to adjust the temperature according to your home’s layout and your personal preferences. Another factor to consider is the age of your home and AC system. Older homes may require a slightly lower temperature range due to poor insulation and inefficient AC systems. If you’ve recently replaced your AC system or have a newer home, a slightly higher temperature range may work best for you. At Kerley Heating and Cooling, our team of experts will work with you to determine the best temperature range for your home. We’ll take into account your home’s layout and age, any medical conditions, and your personal preferences to provide you with the most comfortable temperature range for your home.


Achieving Ultimate Summer Comfort: Understanding the Science Behind Your Home's AC System and How to Control Its Temperature with Kerley Heating and Cooling

To achieve ultimate summer comfort, it’s important to understand the science behind your home’s AC system. Climate control is essential in maintaining an optimum temperature range. It’s important to keep your system running at its optimal level to control the temperature and keep the air quality at its best. To achieve ultimate comfort, ensure that your AC system is working properly. This means regular maintenance and tune-ups by a professional. At Kerley Heating and Cooling, our team of experts will inspect your system to ensure it’s working properly, check for any leaks, clean or replace filters, and fill up refrigerant levels if necessary. Regularly scheduled maintenance will ensure that your system runs efficiently, maintaining the temperature range you’ve set and preventing excess energy consumption. In addition to regular maintenance, controlling your home’s temperature is key to achieving ultimate summer comfort. Consider installing a programmable thermostat, which will allow you to set different temperatures for different times of the day. This ensures that your AC system only works when you need it, saving you money on energy bills.


Maximizing Your AC Efficiency: Tips and Tricks from Kerley Heating and Cooling on How to Keep Your Home Cool and Comfortable During the Hot Summer Months


Keeping your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months can be a challenge, but there are some tricks you can use to maximize your AC efficiency. Consider these tips from Kerley Heating and Cooling: 

  1. Use ceiling fans in conjunction with your AC system. This will help circulate cool air throughout your home. 
  2. Close your blinds and curtains during the day to block out sunlight and keep your home cool. 
  3. Don’t underestimate the power of shade. Trees and shrubs can help block out the sun and keep your home cool. 
  4. Ensure that your home is properly insulated. This will prevent hot air from entering your home and keep cool air in. 
  5. Consider installing a ductless mini-split system. These systems are a great alternative to traditional AC systems and can be more efficient and cost-effective in keeping your home cool. 


By following these tips and working with a professional at Kerley Heating and Cooling, you can maximize your AC efficiency and keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. Conclusion Summer is a time to enjoy the warm weather and spend time outdoors, but when it’s time to come home, you want to be cool and comfortable. By understanding the science behind your AC system, working with professionals at Kerley Heating and Cooling to determine the optimal temperature range, and following some tips and tricks to maximize your AC efficiency, you can elevate your summer comfort and ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable all season long.

Kerley Heating and Cooling
3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd, Rock City, IL 61070
Website: https://kerleyheatingandcooling.com/
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/kerleyheatingandcooling


3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd, 
Rock City, IL 61070

Monday - Friday: 7am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-3pm
Sunday: By appointment
Our projects spell success because success is a project that is always under construction. We build and deliver your vision exactly every time!




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3762 N Farwell Bridge Rd,
Rock City, IL 61070



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